Beginning Tuesday, June 4 at 7 PM
and Thursday, June 6 at 10 AM
23, Science of Mind, and Me
...this course explores and explains the development of the Science of Mind.
We'll learn about those teachers who most influenced Dr. Ernest Holmes as well as come to understand the philosophical roots of our teaching. Names like Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Judge Thomas Troward, and Emma Curtis Hopkins will come alive joining with more current wisdom-sharers like Deepak Chopra, Brian Swimme, Bruce Lipton, and more.
Come see how the past meets today in shaping our future.
Led by Rev. Stephen Rambo
23, SOM & Me is a 10-week course in two 5-week sections. Students have two cohorts from which to choose.
The first 5-week term runs
Tuesday nights 7 - 9:30 PM
from June 4 - July 2
Thursday mornings 10 - 12:30 PM
from June 6 - July 4
The second 5-week term runs
Tuesday nights 7 - 9:30 PM
from June 23 - August 20
Thursday mornings 10 - 12:30 PM
from June 25 - August 22
Students must complete both terms to receive full credit for this certificated course required for Practitioner licensing.
Call the office or email Rev. Stephen for information or questions
More classes to come!

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